Tuesday 24 May 2011

Time for me to hand over the batton...

You may have noticed that my posts are becoming more and more infrequent. This is partly because I am very much involved with far more practical methods of getting things changed and partly because so many people have joined the fight that some have got far better blogs than me! Thanks to the guys here:


This has been the definative place to go for all your NMW news and insights for quite some time now. There are links here to all the information that you could possibly need and regular (yes, much more regular than me!) updates on current lawsuits and Equity policy.
The Young Members Committee have been brilliant in taking up this issue as their priority and every year that goes by at Equity's Annual Representative's Conference more motions are passed that help the cause even more.
When I look back at the first few entries on this blog I can see just how far this whole affair has come. That makes me rather proud and very grateful for all the help I've had, too. Claude Starling for one. Many, many more.
My work won't stop and you certainly won't have heard the last of me!